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Days 1 - 3: Vienna

Day 1 - 3 May 3-6, 2024 Vienna


I got to Vienna on May the 4th (be with you) and Peter and I hung out for 3 days.

On Sunday, we went to an Escape Room - The Legacy of the Casa Nosta (yeah, spelled different).

On his birthday (May 6), we went to an amusement park called the Prater to play pinball. We just went to one place and played 2 machines for about 90 minutes. Games were 2 Euros a piece but we won enough free games to play that long with 10 Euros. We ended the day with Wiener Schnitzeln.

Peter had a picture of us from a few years ago. I tried to recreate our expressions. Finally, the last picture says what else we did.

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